ICPE 2024
Conference paper

InstantOps: A Joint Approach to System Failure Prediction and Root Cause Identification in Microservices Cloud-Native Applications

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As microservice and cloud computing operations increasingly adopt automation, the importance of models for fostering resilient and efficient adaptive architectures becomes paramount. This paper presents InstantOps, a novel approach to system failure prediction and root cause analysis leveraging a three-fold modality of IT observability data: logs, metrics, and traces. The proposed methodology integrates Graph Neural Networks (GNN) to capture spatial information and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) to encapsulate the temporal aspects within the data. A key emphasis lies in utilizing a stitched representation derived from logs, microservices events(e.g. Image Pull Back Off, PVC Pending), and resource metrics to predict system failures proactively. The traces are aggregated to construct a comprehensive service call flow graph and represented as a dynamic graph. Furthermore, permutation testing is applied to harness node scores, aiding in the identification of root causes behind these failures. To evaluate the efficiency of InstantOps, we utilized in-house data from the open-source application Quote of the Day (QoTD) as well as two publicly available datasets, MicroSS and Train Ticket. The F1 scores obtained in predicting the system failures from these data sets were 0.96, 0.98, and 0.97, respectively, beating the stateof-the-art. Additionally, we further evaluated the efficiency of root cause analysis using MAR and MFR. These results also outperform the state of the art.