
Influence of doping on the electronic transport in GaSb/InAs(Sb) nanowire tunnel devices


The effect of various doping profiles on the electronic transport in GaSb/InAs(Sb) nanowire tunnel diodes is investigated. Zn-doping of the GaSb segment increases both the peak current density and the current level in reverse bias. Top-gated diodes exhibit peak current modulation with a threshold voltage which can be controlled by Zn-doping the InAs(Sb) segment. By intentionally n-doping the InAs(Sb) segment degenerate doping on both sides of the heterojunction can be achieved, as well as tunnel diodes with peak current of 420 kA/cm 2 at V DS = 0.16 V and a record-high current density of 3.6 MA/cm 2 at V DS = -0.5 V. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
