ICPP 2008
Conference paper

Iceberg: An image streamer for space and time efficient provisioning of virtual machines

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Platform and resource virtualization is evolving as an enabling technology to consolidate servers and to simplify the management of enterprise servers. Provisioning of Virtual Machines (VM) on demand is a key component of such environments. This paper presents Iceberg, a space and time efficient image streamer for provisioning VMs. Iceberg operates at block storage (image) level and is OS, Hypervisor, and file system agnostic. Iceberg is a chunk-based distributed image streamer which provides instant provisioning of VMs over the network. Iceberg utilizes a variablesize, content-based slicing algorithm such that the sharing among images is improved and storage space requirement is reduced significantly. We provide a comprehensive study of sharing among several different types of images and show up to 60% content sharing between two images. Much higher storage space saving can be achieved among a large number of similar images. © 2008 IEEE.



ICPP 2008

