Conference paper

Hybrid InGaAs/SiGe CMOS circuits with 2D and 3D monolithic integration


Advanced CMOS nodes target high-performance at lower supply voltage. High-mobility III-V channel materials have the potential to meet this target. Although III-V materials such as InGaAs are beneficial for nFET channels, SiGe (or Ge) provides better hole mobility and is more suited for pFET channels. Therefore, a InGaAs/SiGe hybrid CMOS technology is being pursued for scaled nodes. There are significant challenges to cointegrate these two materials in a scalable process. In this regard, here, we present some of our recent work in InGaAs/SiGe CMOS integration through a novEl Direct epitaxy process for co-planar 2D integration. We also present our efforts in 3D monolithic integration of InGaAs-on-SiGe for CMOS and beyond.
