
High-temperature epitaxy of PtSi/Si(0 0 1)


High-temperature epitaxy of PtSi/Si(0 0 1) interfaces has been investigated by ultra-high-vacuum transmission electron microscopy for deposition temperatures up to 850°C. At 600°C continuous, polycrystalline, epitaxial films are observed with rectangular grains (10 × 30 nm), with the predominant, preferred orientation PtSi(1 1 0). By 750°C the grains form islands which elongate in the PtSi[0 0 1] direction parallel the Si[1 1 0]. A strong shape anisotropy develops with length-to-width ratios of up to 1 0 0. Interface faceting is detected and observed in all islands by 810°C and the preferred orientation changes to predominantly (1 2 0). The alignment of the PtSi(0 0 2) planes with the Si(2 2 0) planes is preserved at all temperatures and orientations.
