Journal of Statistical Physics

High-pressure equation of state for solid krypton from interatomic potentials

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The pressure-volume isotherm for krypton at 300 K is evaluated by the Monte Carlo method using pair and three-body potentials. The pair potentials used are that of Aziz and Slaman and a slightly modified version of their potential which gives better agreement with high-energy scattering data. The three-body potentials considered are the Axilrod-Teller interaction and the first-order three-body exchange interaction as parametrized by Loubeyre. The results are compared with recent measurements at pressures up to 300 kbar and the implications of the comparison are discussed. The best agreement with experiment is found using the Axilrod-Teller interaction as the only many-body interaction, indicating that the three-body exchange interaction is to a large extent canceled by higher many-body interactions, at least in the highly symmetrical environment of the crystal. © 1988 Plenum Publishing Corporation.



Journal of Statistical Physics

