
Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Section on Virtualization and Services for Cloud-Based Application Systems


Cloud-based application systems are rapidly deployed worldwide in production use via virtualization and services computing technologies. The scaling demands for these application capabilities to the cloud providers, compound with differentiated requirements on the quality of services, have brought severe technical challenges. This special section focuses on the techniques of virtualization and services for cloud-based application systems, mainly including multi-scale resource management and sharing, elastic scheduling and allocation of computing and network resources, monitoring and diagnosis for cloud-based services, and cloud-based mobile systems. The articles of this special section illustrate recent advances in virtualization and services provisioning for cloud-based application systems. We expect that this special section will provide an integrated view of the state-of-the-art techniques, identify new challenges as well as opportunities, and promote collaboration among researchers in this field. We received 34 submissions and we finally accepted 4 articles. The acceptance rate is as low as 11.8 percent.