CEC/EEE 2006
Conference paper

Global innovation, creating an innovation process

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Innovation is a word used often today to mean many different things. To some it is invention to others it is doing something completely new. We at IBM believe innovation occurs at the intersection of invention and business insight. Creating an atmosphere and an ecosystem for innovation requires some new ideas and processes. It is global, it is unpredictable yet it can be encouraged and supported for success. The Global Innovation Outlook, or GIO, is a process that IBM has used for the past couple of years to create an innovation ecosystem. The journey for activity is as interesting as the results. I will discuss the process and what we 've learned about the process as well as the specific results and outcomes from the first GIO and second GIO. The topics include: healthcare, transportation and the future enterprise. © 2006 IEEE.



CEC/EEE 2006


