CEC/EEE 2006
Conference paper

Deep visibility in enterprise value networks: Knowledge models, real-time monitoring and e-commerce

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Value networks represent a novel approach to model complex enterprise relationships from the perspective of value creation, propagation, and evolution. The success of a value network relies on timely sensing of business insights from high volume process and product performance information. This paper addresses three major challenges of value network-driven enterprise e-commerce analysis: (1) unifying the business knowledge of multiple enterprises and their diverse and conflicting objectives in the value network, (2) sensing the value network and processes through a real-time system, and (3) analyzing the quantifiable value each enterprise contributes to the value network. The solution presented in this paper consists of a semantic knowledge model capturing multi-enterprise objectives and relationships between performance metrics, and a system to monitor, integrate, and analyze enterprise performance information. © 2006 IEEE.



CEC/EEE 2006

