Conference paper

From the Heart of Silicon Valley to the Hill Country-Highlights of ICCAD 2015


The International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD) has been the preferred venue for the publication of many high-impact research papers, for example, VLSI parasitic extraction, mixed-signal/analog design, high-level synthesis, statistical static timing analysis, and VLSI physical design. The 2015 ICCAD covered two regular technical sessions, one special session on self-aware systems-on-chip, and the Hardware and Algorithms for Learning On-a-Chip (HALO) workshop, which attracted over 70 attendees. This year, in 2016, there were also three special sessions covering three popular student contests, the CAD Contest, organized by IEEE CEDA and the Taiwan Ministry of Education; the TAU Contest on timing; and the Low-Power Imagine Recognition Challenge.
