Conference paper

From business process model to consistent implementation: A case for formal verification methods


Today's business applications and their underlying process models are becoming more and more complicated, making the implementation of these processes an increasingly challenging task. On the one hand, tools and methods exist to describe the business processes. On the other hand, different tools and method exist to describe the IT artifacts implementing them. But a significant gap exists between the two. To overcome this gap, new methodologies are sought. In this paper we discuss a pattern-based modeling and mapping process. Starting from a business process model, which emphasizes the underlying structural process pattern and its associated requirements, we map this model into a corresponding IT model based on nondeterministic automata with state variables. Model checking techniques are used to automatically verify elementary requirements on a process such as the termination and reachability of states. Using an example involving coupled, repetitive activities we discuss the advantages of an iterative process of correcting and refining a model based on insights gained in the interleaved verification steps.
