International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications

Finding rectilinear paths among obstacles in a two-layer interconnection model

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Finding the best rectilinear path with respect to the bends and the lengths of paths connecting two given points in the presence of rectilinear obstacles in a two-layer model is studied in this paper. In this model, rectilinear obstacles on each layer are specified separately, and the orientation of routing in each layer is fixed. An algorithm is presented to transform any problem instance in the two-layer model to one in a one-layer model, so that almost all algorithms for finding rectilinear paths among obstacles in the plane can be applied. The transformation algorithm runs in O(e log e) time where e is the number of edges on obstacles lying on both layers. A direct graph-theoretic approach to finding a shortest path in the two-layer model, which is easier to implement is also presented. The algorithm runs in O(e log2 e) time.



International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications


