Conference paper

Energy efficient Wi-Fi management for smart devices


Data communication is a significant component of smart device energy consumption today, and is likely to increase with the rising connectivity demands of today's mobile applications. Wi-Fi is a major supporting technology and as such, efficient energy management solutions are much needed. In this paper, we detail the Wi-Fi energy consumption characteristics and propose two energy saving schemes: packing and alignment, implementable at the application layer. Our investigations also reveal that these schemes are highly reliant on the network metric - available bandwidth, which is not readily obtainable on smartphones and existing wired solutions are ill-suited due to the dynamics of the wireless environment, as well as the energy constraint of mobile devices. Therefore, we propose a new energy efficient bandwidth measurement tool called BreezChirp. As validation, we implemented both BreezChirp and the Wi-Fi management schemes on modern Andriod smartphones and evaluated their performance through field experiments. © 2014 IEEE.
