Conference paper

Efficient segmentation in multi-layer oscillatory networks


In earlier work, we derived the dynamical behavior of a network of oscillatory units described by the amplitude and phase of oscillations. The dynamics were derived from an objective function that rewards both the faithfulness and the sparseness of representation. After unsupervised learning, the network is capable of separating mixtures of inputs, and also segmenting the inputs into components that most contribute to the classification of a given input object. In the current paper, we extend our analysis to multi-layer networks, and demonstrate that the dynamical equations derived earlier can be successfully applied to multi-layer networks. The topological connectivity between the different layers are derived from biological observations in primate visual cortex, and consist of receptive fields that are topographically mapped between layers. We explore the role of feedback connections, and show that increasing the diffusivity of feedback connections significantly improves segmentation performance, but does not affect separation performance. © 2008 IEEE.
