SRII 2012
Conference paper

Effective content reuse for business consulting practices

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The "Holy Grail" for a business consulting company is the ability to effectively reuse content (design documents, functional specifications, code, etc) created for prior projects on current and future projects. Reuse increases productivity and quality. However, despite multiple efforts, consulting companies still struggle to achieve effective reuse. From a business perspective, the primary challenge is in creating a solution that lowers the effort required to find, consume, and create reusable content. From a technical perspective, the main challenge is in building a repository that automates the process and serves the needs of both human consultants and modelbased tools. In this paper we present an approach to achieving effective content reuse that has been successfully deployed in IBM's Global Business Service SAP and Oracle practices, achieving greater than 60% content reuse on similar project. © 2012 IEEE.



SRII 2012