Conference paper

Detecting eye position and gaze from a single camera and 2 light sources


We introduce a new method for computing the 3D position of an eye and its gaze direction from a single camera and at least two near infra-red light sources. The method is based on the theory of spherical optical surfaces and uses the Gullstrand model of the eye to estimate the positions of the center of the cornea and the center of the pupil in 3D. The direction of gaze can then be computed from the vector connecting these two points. The point of regard can also be computed from the intersection of the direction of gaze with an object in the scene. We have simulated this model using ray traced images of the eye, and obtained very promising results. The major contribution of this new technique over current eye tracking technology is that the system does not require to be calibrated with the user before each user session, and it allows for free head motion. © 2002 IEEE.
