Workshop paper

Density-Based cluster algorithms in low-Dimensional and high-Dimensional applications


Cluster analysis is the art of detecting groups of similar objects in large data sets- without having specified these groups by means of explicit features. Among the various cluster algorithms that have been developed so far the density-based algorithms count to the most advanced and robust approaches. However, this paper shows that density-based cluster analysis embodies no principle with clearly defined algorithmic properties. We contrast the density-based cluster algorithms DBSCAN and MajorClust, which have been developed having different clustering tasks in mind, and whose strengths and weaknesses can be explained against the background of the dimensionality of the data to be clustered. Our motivation for this analysis comes from the field of information retrieval, where cluster analysis plays a key role in solving the document categorization problem. The paper is organized as follows: Section 1 recapitulates the important principles of cluster algorithms, Section 2 discusses the density-based algorithms DBSCAN and MajorClust, and Section 3 illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of both algorithms on the basis of geometric data analysis and document categorization problems.
