Conference paper

Demonstration of dynamic distributed orchestration of node-RED IoT workflows using a vector symbolic architecture


Traditional service-based applications, in fixed networks, are typically constructed and managed centrally and assume stable service endpoints and adequate network connectivity. Constructing and maintaining such applications in dynamic heterogeneous wireless networked environments, where limited bandwidth and transient connectivity are commonplace, presents significant challenges and makes centralized application construction and management impossible. In this demonstration we present an architecture which is capable of providing an adaptable and resilient method for on-demand decentralized construction and management of complex time-critical applications in such environments. The approach uses a Vector Symbolic Architecture (VSA) to compactly represent an application as a single semantic vector that encodes the service interfaces, workflow, and the time-critical constraints required. By extending existing services interfaces, with a simple cognitive layer that can interpret and exchange the vectors, we show how the required services can be dynamically discovered and interconnected in a completely decentralized manner. There are a large number of workflow systems designed to work in various scientific domains, including support for the Internet of Things (IoT). One such workflow system is Node-RED, which is designed to bring workflow-based programming to IoT. The main focus of this demonstration is to show how we can migrate Node-RED workflows into a decentralized execution environment, so that such workflows can run on Edge networks.
