Conference paper

Content recommendation for attention management in unified social messaging


With the growing popularity of social networks and collaboration systems, people are increasingly working with or socially connected with each other. Unified messaging system provides a single interface for users to receive and process information from multiple sources. It is highly desirable to design attention management solution that can help users easily navigate and process dozens of unread messages from a unified message system. Moreover, with the proliferation of mobile devices people are now selectively consuming the most important messages on the go between different activities in their daily life. The information overload problem is especially acute for mobile users with small screen to display. In this paper, we present PAM, an intelligent end-to-end Personalized Attention Management solution that employs analytical techniques that can learn user interests and organize and prioritize incoming messages based on user interests. For a list of unread messages, PAM generates a concise attention report that allows users to quickly scan the important new messages from his important social connections as well as messages about his most important tasks that the user is involved with. Our solution can also be applied in other applications such as news filtering and alerts on mobile devices. Our evaluation results demonstrate the effectiveness of PAM. Copyright © 2012, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved.
