Conference paper

Combining pattern languages and reusable architectural decision models into a comprehensive and comprehensible design method


When constructing software systems, software architects must identify and evaluate many competing design options and document the rationale behind any selections made. Two supporting concepts are pattern languages and architectural decision models. Unfortunately, both concepts only provide partial support: Extensive upfront education is needed for practitioners to be in command of the full pattern literature relevant in their field; retrospective architectural decision modeling is viewed as a painful extra responsibility without immediate gains. In this paper, we combine pattern languages and reusable architectural decision models into a design method that is both comprehensive and comprehensible. Our design method identifies the required decisions in requirements models systematically, gives domainspecific pattern selection advice, and provides traceability from platform-independent patterns to platform-specific decisions. We validate our approach by applying it to enterprise applications as an exemplary application genre and a SOA case study from the finance industry. © 2008 IEEE.
