Conference paper

Carbon nanotubes and optical confinement - Controlling light emission in nanophotonic devices


We report here recent progress in nanophotonics with single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). A photonic model structure, the planar λ/2- microcavity, modifies the photonic density of modes at the location of the embedded SWNTs. As a result, the radiative properties of the SWNTs are modified due to the enhancement or inhibition of the microcavity-controlled spontaneous emission (scattering) rate. We use single-molecule optical microscopy and spectroscopy to investigate individual SWNTs (bundles), spatially isolated and immobilized in the photonic structure, and to measure the microcavity-controlled emission (Raman and photoluminescence) characteristics. Ultimately, we demonstrate experimentally that the integration of a field-effect transistor (FET) based on a single, semiconducting SWNT with a λ/2-microcavity results in a strong spectral and angular narrowing of the electrically excited and cavity-enhanced infrared radiation emitted by the nano-light source. Integrated nanophotonic devices based on carbon nanotubes hold great promise for application in quantum optics and optical communication.
