
Aromaticity Reversal Induced by Vibrations in Cyclo[16]carbon

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Aromaticity is typically regarded as an intrinsic property of a molecule, correlated with electron delocalization, stability, and other properties. Small variations in the molecular geometry usually result in small changes in aromaticity, in line with Hammond’s postulate. For example, introducing bond-length alternation in benzene and square cyclobutadiene by modulating the geometry along the Kekulé vibration gradually decreases the magnitude of their ring currents, making them less aromatic and less antiaromatic, respectively. A sign change in the ring current, corresponding to a reversal of aromaticity, typically requires a gross perturbation such as electronic excitation, addition or removal of two electrons, or a dramatic change in the molecular geometry. Here, we use multireference calculations to show how movement along the Kekulé vibration, which controls bond-length alternation, induces a sudden reversal in the ring current of cyclo[16]carbon, C16C_{16}. This reversal occurs when the two orthogonal π systems of C16C_{16} sustain opposing currents. These results are rationalized by a Hückel model which includes bond-length alternation, and which is combined with a minimal model accounting for orbital contributions to the ring current. Finally, we successfully describe the electronic structure of C16C_{16} with a “divide-and-conquer” approach suitable for execution on a quantum computer.