Conference paper

An Ontology-driven Knowledge Graph for Android Malware


We present MalONT2.0 - an ontology for malware threat intelligence [4]. New classes (attack patterns, infrastructural resources to enable attacks, malware analysis to incorporate static analysis, and dynamic analysis of binaries) and relations have been added following a broadened scope of core competency questions. MalONT2.0 allows researchers to extensively capture all requisite classes and relations that gather semantic and syntactic characteristics of an android malware attack. This ontology forms the basis for the malware threat intelligence knowledge graph, MalKG, which we exemplify using three different, non-overlapping demonstrations. Malware features have been extracted from openCTI reports on android threat intelligence shared on the Internet and written in the form of unstructured text. Some of these sources are blogs, threat intelligence reports, tweets, and news articles. The smallest unit of information that captures malware features is written as triples comprising head and tail entities, each connected with a relation. In the poster and demonstration, we discuss MalONT2.0 and MalKG.
