Conference paper

A study of CRT (5-Mpixel) vs. LCD (9-Mpixel) displays for breast lesion detection in full-field digital mammography and ultrasound (FFDMUS) data sets via image-enhancement algorithms


The latest technological changes are fast replacing the conventional cathode ray tube (CRT) displays with liquid crystal displays (LCDs). It is thus important to understand and evaluate them. The novelty of our evaluation strategy comes from the usage of computer aided diagnostics-based on pixel intensities. This evaluation system combines both lesion segmentation and quantification. Hence it is an integrated approach. The FFDMUS ultrasound data was acquired and then displayed on LCD and CRT displays. The FFDMUS ultrasound images were segmented using the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) algorithm. We use Hausdoff distance measure (HDM) and polyline distance metric (PDM) for performance evaluation. Our results using the HDM method on FFDMUS ultrasound images show that lesions quantified from LCD images show a 29% improvement compared to lesions quantified from CRT images. A similar behavior was observed using PDM method. Hence we conclude that use of LCD displays for mammography applications with image enhancement techniques will have a greater diagnostic accuracy compared to the CRT displays. © 2005 SID.
