Conference paper

A spectral framework for detecting inconsistency across multi-source object relationships


In this paper, we propose to conduct anomaly detection across multiple sources to identify objects that have inconsistent behavior across these sources.We assume that a set of objects can be described from various perspectives (multiple information sources). The underlying clustering structure of normal objects is usually shared by multiple sources. However, anomalous objects belong to different clusters when considering different aspects. For example, there exist movies that are expected to be liked by kids by genre, but are liked by grown-ups based on user viewing history. To identify such objects, we propose to compute the distance between different eigen decomposition results of the same object with respect to different sources as its anomalous score. We also give interpretations from the perspectives of constrained spectral clustering and random walks over graph. Experimental results on several UCI as well as DBLP and MovieLens datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. © 2011 IEEE.
