Conference paper

A proactive wearout recovery approach for exploiting microarchitectural redundancy to extend cache SRAM lifetime


Microarchitectural redundancy has been proposed as a means of improving chip lifetime reliability. It is typically used in a reactive way, allowing chips to maintain operability in the presence of failures by detecting and isolating, correcting, and/or replacing components on a first-come, first-served basis only after they become faulty. In this paper, we explore an alternative, more preferred method of exploiting microarchitectural redundancy to enhance chip lifetime reliability. In our proposed approach, redundancy is used proactively to allow non-faulty microarchitecture components to be temporarily deactivated, on a rotating basis, to suspend and/or recover from certain wearout effects. This approach improves chip lifetime reliability by warding off the onset of wearout failures as opposed to reacting to them posteriorly. Applied to on-chip cache SRAM for combating NBTI-induced wearout failure, our proactive wearout recovery approach increases lifetime reliability (measured in mean-time-to-failure) of the cache by about a factor of seven relative to no use of microarchitectural redundancy and a factor of five relative to conventional reactive use of redundancy having similar area overhead. © 2008 IEEE.
