CIT 2008
Conference paper

A novel formal framework for secure dynamic services composition

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There is a pressing need for secure services composition in agenda transactions. Orchestration and choreography language provide basic services and interaction, collaboration, and negotiation standards among services, but they don't give any secure manners or secure operation styles and specifications. Despite the interest of such security mechanisms, a formal module of them is still lacking. For giving a general guide to implement secure orchestration and secure choreography, we give a formal approach for carrying out this goal. To those targets, we address those by designing an extension of the Spi calculus with Secure Global Calculus. The Spi calculus precisely identifies orchestration secure properties of each principal from a local viewpoint. The secure global calculus describes an interaction secure choreography scenario from a vantage point of view. We called our framework SpiG4WSC calculus. We believe that the combination of strong practical needs for dynamic secure Web services composition and the theoretical foundations will lead to a bridge between practice and theories. © 2008 IEEE.



CIT 2008


