Zoë Gathercole


Frontend Engineer, IBM Research
Zoë Gathercole


Zoë is a Software Engineer working in the Advanced Prototyping Team, part of IBM Research UK. The goal of APT is to reduce the time and effort taken between performing fundamental research and providing impact with clients. The team works across a wide array of technology research areas covered by the IBM Research division and serve clients in any industry or location. This is done through the production of first-of-a-kind prototype solutions that take a research paper, or early research code, to improve it and present it to a user community.

Zoë currently leads the frontend development activities for these prototypes and has formed a Front-End Development (FED) Guild within IBM Research to discuss, share and present technologies and best practices across the organisation.

After completing a MEng in Software Engineering at the University of Southampton, Zoë joined IBM’s graduate program in 2019 and has held several roles across IBM including Software Analyst, DevOps Engineer, Project Manager, Release Engineer, and Full-Stack Engineer. Recognising the value of using UI / UX to envision research projects, Zoë decided to specialise as a Frontend Engineer within IBM Research where she works today.
