On source-term parameter estimation for linear advection-diffusion equations with uncertain coefficients
- Sergiy Zhuk
- Tigran Tchrakian
- et al.
- 2016
- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Dr. Rodrigo H. Ordóñez-Hurtado received his B.Eng. degree in Industrial Automation from the University of Cauca (Colombia) in 2005, and his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Chile (Chile) in 2012. Between 2012-2017 he was Research Fellow at top Irish universities working in several EU-funded projects. Since 2017, he is a Research Scientist at IBM Research Europe - Dublin (Ireland), formerly working in the Optimisation & Control and the Computational Math for Digital Health teams, and currently in the Human-Centric AI team. Rodrigo’s interests include swarm intelligence, stability theory, system identification & process control, recommender systems, and synthetic data generation with applications to intelligent transportation systems and the healthcare industry.
Analyzing and visualizing differences in blood flow patterns, made visible with fluorescent dyes and multispectral imaging.