Palanivel Kodeswaran


Senior Research Scientist - AI For Code
Palanivel Kodeswaran


I am a member of the Telecom and Mobile Research group at IBM Research India, where I am currently working on problems in mobile security. I obtained my Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) working with Dr Anupam Joshi on building a Declarative framework for Application and Network management using Semantic Web technologies. Prior to Grad School, I obtained my bachelors in Computer Science from the College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai.
I am organizing a workshop on Securing Data in Smart Phones and Mobile Devices, colocated with ICDE 2012 at Washington DC.



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Praveen Jayachandran

Praveen Jayachandran

Senior Technical Staff Member & Senior Manager, AI and Multi-Cloud Platform, Master Inventor