Alex Golts


ML/DL researcher, AI for Healthcare
Alex Golts


ML/DL Researcher at the Multimodal AI for Healthcare group at IBM Research - Haifa, which I joined in 2021. Since 2022 my focus is on developing and applying DL models and tools for various tasks in the realm of drug discovery and computational biochemistry. Prior to that I worked on DL for medical imaging understanding. Before joining IBM and focusing on the healthcare domain I had another 7 years of industry experience developing and applying ML/DL based solutions to a variety of challenging problems in different domains, with an emphasis on Computer Vision. Before 2014 when my interest in Machine Learning began, I spent 5 years as an Electro-Optics Engineer, developing image correction algorithms and analyzing sensors in different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. I received my dual B.Sc. (2008) in Physics and Electrical Engineering from the Tel-Aviv University, and M.Sc. (2015) in Electrical Engineering from the Technion.


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