IBM Granite now has eyesResearchKim Martineau26 Feb 2025Computer VisionGenerative AIGraniteNatural Language Processing
Introducing Quantum Serverless, a new programming model for leveraging quantum and classical resourcesNewsBlake Johnson, Ismael Faro, Michael Behrendt, and Jay Gambetta16 Nov 20219 minute readQuantum Software
Driving quantum performance: more qubits, higher Quantum Volume, and now a proper measure of speedNewsJay Gambetta, Ali Javadi-Abhari, Blake Johnson, Petar Jurcevic, Hanhee Paik, and Andrew Wack01 Nov 20217 minute readQuantum Software
Generating whole-processor entanglement on 27- and 65-qubit quantum systemsResearchGregory White, Gary Mooney, Charles Hill, and Lloyd Hollenberg20 Oct 202120 minute readQuantum NetworkQuantum ResearchQuantum Systems
Undergrads: Apply for a 2022 Quantum Undergraduate Research at IBM and Princeton InternshipNewsHwajung Kang and Nathalie de Leon20 Oct 20213 minute readQuantum Community
Three IBM scientists named APS FellowNewsRyan Mandelbaum and Rafi Letzter13 Oct 202113 minute readQuantum Community
Join the IBM Quantum fall challenge from October 27 to November 5NewsKifumi Numata and Yuri Kobayashi06 Oct 20217 minute readQuantum Community
IBM Quantum launches accelerator for enterpriseNewsJoseph Broz22 Sep 20215 minute readQuantum Community
IBM Quantum internship applications for summer 2022 are still openNewsBradley Holt, Maureen Mcelaney, and Cheniqua Allen07 Sep 20217 minute readQuantum Community
IBM Quantum and Qubit by Qubit partner again to offer quantum computing course to thousands of high school studentsNewsRachel Zuckerman and Saul Sarango25 Aug 20216 minute readQuantumQuantum Community
Quantum startups leap from lab to launch with IBM incubatorNewsStefan Elrington and Nate Earnest-Noble16 Aug 20215 minute readQuantumQuantum CommunityQuantum SoftwareQuantum Systems
Building Japan’s quantum future with IBM Quantum System OneNewsJay Gambetta and Kei Kawase27 Jul 20217 minute readQuantumQuantum CommunityQuantum Systems
IBM welcomes CERN as a new hub in the IBM Quantum NetworkResearchIvano Tavernelli and Panagiotis Barkoutsos22 Jul 20217 minute readMachine LearningQuantumQuantum CommunityQuantum Machine Learning
The quantum future looks like Qiskit Runtime in the Strangeworks developer ecosystemNewsAparna Prabhakar and Stefan Elrington20 Jul 20215 minute readHybrid Cloud HPCQuantumQuantum CommunityQuantum Software
Quantum kernels can solve machine learning problems that are hard for all classical methodsResearchYunchao Liu, Srinivasan Arunachalam, and Kristan Temme12 Jul 20215 minute readMachine LearningQuantumQuantum Machine LearningQuantum Research
Equipping educators with tools to educate the future quantum workforceNewsBrian Ingmanson and Saul Sarango08 Jul 20215 minute readQuantumQuantum CommunityQuantum Software
New tensor algebra changes the rules of data analysisResearchLior Horesh08 Jul 20217 minute readMathematical SciencesQuantumQuantum Research