Conference paper

Workshop on Applied Data Science for Healthcare (DSHealth): Transparent and Human-centered AI


KDD DSHealth 2022, aims to build on the success of the past four years to further catalyze the development of links between academic and commercial data science groups and the rapidly developing translational medicine informatics community. The workshop will stimulate discussion as to strategic areas for development and will lead to future cross-disciplinary collaborations. In accordance with the multi-year goal to continue fostering this community as a series of KDD workshops via timely topics, this year the workshop will focus on the transparency and human-centered AI in healthcare. The workshop invites full papers, as well as work-in-progress on the application of data science in healthcare. The workshop will feature four invited talks from eminent speakers, spanning academia, industry, clinical researchers, and governmental regulatory bodies. In addition, selected papers will be invited to publish in a special issue of Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research. The summary gives a brief description of the full-day workshop to be held on August 14th, 2022.
