
Urea's action on hydrophobic interactions


For more than a century, urea has been commonly used as an agent for denaturing proteins. However, the mechanism behind its denaturing power is still not well understood. Here we show by molecular dynamics simulations that a 7 M aqueous urea solution unfolds a chain of purely hydrophobic groups which otherwise adopts a compact structure in pure water. The unfolding process arises due to a weakening of hydrophobic interactions between the polymer groups. We also show that the attraction between two model hydrophobic plates, and graphene sheets, is reduced when urea is added to the solution. The action of urea is found to be direct, through its preferential binding to the polymer or plates. It is, therefore, acting like a surfactant capable of forming hydrogen bonds with the solvent. The preferential binding and the consequent weakened hydrophobic interactions are driven by enthalpy and are related to the difference in the strength of the attractive dispersion interactions of urea and water with the polymer chain or plate. This relation scales with ε b., where ε b is the Lennard Jones (LJ) energy parameter for each group on the chain. Larger values of ε b increase the preferential binding and result in a larger decrease of the hydrophobic interactions, with a crossover at very weak dispersions. We also show that the indirect mechanism, in which urea acts as a chaotrope, is not a likely cause of urea's action as a denaturant. These findings suggest that, in denaturing proteins, urea (and perhaps other denaturants) forms stronger attractive dispersion interactions with the protein side chains and backbone than does water and, therefore, is able to dissolve the core hydrophobic region. © 2009 American Chemical Society.
