ISWC 2014
Conference paper

Traffic management using RTEC in OWL 2 RL


In a number of domains, including traffic management, event processing and situational reporting are particularly demanding. This is due to the volumes and realiability of streamed spatio-temporal data involved, ranging from sensor readings, news-wire reports, police reports, to social media, as well as the complexity of the reasoning required. Human, rather than artificial, intelligence is hence still used to an overwhelming extent. A number of specialised event-processing languages and reasoners have been proposed, extending RDF and SPARQL. These include SPARQL-ST, Temporal RDF and T-SPARQL, Spatio-temporal RDF and stSPARQL. For even more elaborate extensions. Often, these extensions rely on custom parsers for the languages and on custom Prolog-based implementations of reasoners. Yet, none of these extensions has gained a wide adoption. We argue that such specific languages and reasoners go against the principle of a general-purpose description logics and general- purpose reasoners. We propose a rewriting of RTEC, the event processing calculus, from Prolog to OWL 2 RL, which is the only profile of the Web Ontology Language, for which there exist very efficient reasoners.



ISWC 2014


