Conference paper

Towards synthesizing realistic workload traces for studying the hadoop ecosystem

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Designing cloud computing setups is a challenging task. It involves understanding the impact of a plethora of parameters ranging from cluster configuration, partitioning, networking characteristics, and the targeted applications' behavior. The design space, and the scale of the clusters, make it cumbersome and error-prone to test different cluster configurations using real setups. Thus, the community is increasingly relying on simulations and models of cloud setups to infer system behavior and the impact of design choices. The accuracy of the results from such approaches depends on the accuracy and realistic nature of the workload traces employed. Unfortunately, few cloud workload traces are available (in the public domain). In this paper, we present the key steps towards analyzing the traces that have been made public, e.g., from Google, and inferring lessons that can be used to design realistic cloud workloads as well as enable thorough quantitative studies of Hadoop design. Moreover, we leverage the lessons learned from the traces to undertake two case studies: (i) Evaluating Hadoop job schedulers, and (ii) Quantifying the impact of shared storage on Hadoop system performance. © 2011 IEEE.




