CIKM 2017
Conference paper

Tone analyzer for online customer service: An unsupervised model with interfered training

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Emotion analysis of online customer service conservation is important for good user experience and customer satisfaction. However, conventional metrics do nott this application scenario. In this work, by collecting and labeling online conversations of customer service on Twitter, we identify 8 new metrics, named as tones, to describe emotional information. To better interpret each tone, we extend the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model to Tone LDA (T-LDA). In T-LDA, each latent topic is explicitly associated with one of three semantic categories, i.e., tone-related, domain-specific and auxiliary. By integrating tone label into learning, T-LDA can interfere the original unsupervised training process and thus is able to identify representative tone-related words. In evaluation, T-LDA shows better performance than baselines in predicting tone intensity. Also, a case study is conducted to analyze each tone via T-LDA output.



CIKM 2017

