Conference paper

Tale of Tails: Anomaly Avoidance in Data Centers


It is a common practice that today's cloud data centers guard the performance by monitoring the resource usage, e.g., CPU and RAM, and issuing anomaly tickets whenever detecting usages exceeding predefined target values. Ensuring free of such usage anomaly can be extremely challenging, while catering to a large amount of virtual machines (VMs) showing bursty workloads on a limited amount of physical resource. Using resource usage data from production data centers that consist of more than 6K physical machines hosting more than 80K VMs, we identify statistic properties of anomaly instances (AIs) on physical servers, highlighting their burst duration and potential root causes. To strike a tradeoff between a strong performance guarantee and resource provisions, we propose a tail-driven anomaly avoidance policy for boxes, TailGuard, which allows a small fraction of AIs, e.g., 5% of usages can be above the target value, and still avoid severe performance degradation, typically caused by a burst of continuous AI. Specifically, TailGuard first introduces a novel usage tail prediction that explores the similarity patterns across a great number of boxes within a very recent history, and then redistributes the server load in an online fashion by proactive VM cloning and reactive load balancing. Evaluation results show that TailGuard can not only achieve an accuracy comparable with prediction methodology that relies on long history of usage data but also dramatically reduce the number of CPU AIs by 60%, with a tenfold reduction of their duration, from more than 25 time windows to only 2.
