
Spin-torque driven ferromagnetic resonance of CoNi synthetic layers in spin valves


Spin-torque driven ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) is used to study thin CoNi synthetic layers with perpendicular anisotropy confined in spin valve based nanojunctions. Field swept ST-FMR measurements were conducted with a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the layer surface. The resonance lines were measured under low amplitude rf excitation, from 1 to 20 GHz. These results are compared with those obtained using conventional rf field driven FMR on extended films with the same CoNi layer structure. The layers confined in spin valves have a lower resonance field, a narrower resonance linewidth, and approximately the same linewidth vs frequency slope, implying the same damping parameter. The critical current for magnetic excitations is determined from measurements of the resonance linewidth vs dc current and is in accord with the one determined from I-V measurements. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
