
Single-Mode Laser in the Telecom Range by Deterministic Amplification of the Topological Interface Mode


Photonic integrated circuits are paving the way for novel on-chip functionalities with diverse applications in communication, computing, and beyond. The integration of on-chip light sources, especially single-mode lasers, is crucial for advancing those photonic chips to their full potential. Recently, novel concepts involving topological designs introduced a variety of options for tuning device properties, such as the desired single-mode emission. Here, we introduce a novel cavity design that allows amplification of the topological interface mode by deterministic placement of gain material within a topological lattice. The proposed design is experimentally implemented by a selective epitaxy process to achieve closely spaced Si and InGaAs nanorods embedded within the same layer. This results in the first demonstration of a single-mode laser in the telecom band using the concept of amplified topological modes without introducing artificial losses.
