SODA 2009
Conference paper

Sequential cavity method for computing limits of the log-partition function for lattice models

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One of the key computational problems in combinatorics/statistical physics is the problem of computing limits of the log-partition functions for various statistical mechanics models on lattices. In combinatorics this limit corresponds to the exponent of various arrangements on lattices, for example the exponents of the number of independent sets, proper colorings or matchings on a lattice. In statistical physics this limit is called free energy. We propose a new method, sequential cavity, which beats the best known existing methods, such as transfer matrix method, in obtaining sharper bounds on the limits of the log-partition function for two models: independent sets (hard-core) and matchings (monomer-dimer). Our method is based on a surprisingly simple representation of the log-partition function limit in terms of a certain marginal probability of a suitably modified lattice, and using recent deterministic approximation counting algorithms for these two models. Our method also has a provably better theoretical performance compared with the transfer matrix method. Copyright © by SIAM.



SODA 2009

