Conference paper

Ripple Joins for Online Aggregation


We present a new family of join algorithms, called ripple joins, for online processing of multi-table aggregation queries in a relational database management system (DBMS). Such queries arise naturally in interactive exploratory decision-support applications.Traditional offline join algorithms are designed to minimize the time to completion of the query. In contrast, ripple joins are designed to minimize the time until an acceptably precise estimate of the query result is available, as measured by the length of a confidence interval. Ripple joins are adaptive, adjusting their behavior during processing in accordance with the statistical properties of the data. Ripple joins also permit the user to dynamically trade off the two key performance factors of on-line aggregation: the time between successive updates of the running aggregate, and the amount by which the confidence-interval length decreases at each update. We show how ripple joins can be implemented in an existing DBMS using iterators, and we give an overview of the methods used to compute confidence intervals and to adaptively optimize the ripple join "aspect-ratio"parameters. In experiments with an initial implementation of our algorithms in the POSTGRES DBMS, the time required to produce reasonably precise online estimates was up to two orders of magnitude smaller than the time required for the best offline join algorithms to produce exact answers.
