
Ring-Opening Polymerization of Cyclic Esters and Carbonates with (Thio)urea/Cyclopropenimine Organocatalytic Systems


Organocatalyzed ring-opening polymerization is a powerful tool for the synthesis of a variety of functional, readily degradable polyesters and polycarbonates. We report the use of (thio)ureas in combination with cyclopropenimine bases as a unique catalyst for the polymerization of cyclic esters and carbonates with a large span of reactivities. Methodologies of exceptionally effective and selective cocatalyst combinations were devised to produce polyesters and polycarbonates with narrow dispersities (Đ = 1.01-1.10). Correlations of the pKa of the various ureas and cyclopropenimine bases revealed the critical importance of matching the pKa of the two cocatalysts to achieve the most efficient polymerization conditions. It was found that promoting strong H-bonding interactions with a noncompetitive organic solvent, such as CH2Cl2, enabled greatly increased polymerization rates. The stereoselective polymerization of rac-lactide afforded stereoblock poly(lactides) that crystallize as stereocomplexes, as confirmed by wide-angle X-ray scattering.
