
Report on the First International Workshop on Mining Graphs and Complex Structures (MGCS'07)


The First International Workshop on Mining Graphs and Complex Structures was organized by the Seventh IEEE International Conference of Data Mining (ICDM 2007) and held at Omaha, Nebraska. The conference provides researchers a forum on the new development of knowledge discovery in graph and complex data. Chen et al. proposed a different approach to clustering networks by viewing the networks as a depiction of higher-order relationships in heterogeneous data in their paper 'Simultaneous Heterogeneous Data Clustering Based on Higher Order Relationships'. Gallagher and Eliassi-Rad view the problem of relational classification issues as a network classification problem in their work 'An Examination of Experimental Methodology for Classifiers of Relational Data', and divide the problem into two classes between-network classification and within-network classification. 'Tree Planar Languages' by Florencio introduces the class of tree planar languages, where the data can be described as a tree, which is then mapped to a point in higher-dimensional space, where learning occurs.
