SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

Random walks on regular and irregular graphs

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For an undirected graph and an optimal cyclic list of all its vertices, the cyclic cover time is the expected time it takes a simple random walk to travel from vertex to vertex along the list until it completes a full cycle. The main result of this paper is a characterization of the cyclic cover time in terms of simple and easy-to-compute graph properties. Namely, for any connected graph, the cyclic cover time is Θ(n2dave(d-1)ave), where n is the number of vertices in the graph, dave is the average degree of its vertices, and (d-1)ave is the average of the inverse of the degree of its vertices. Other results obtained in the processes of proving the main theorem are a similar characterization of minimum resistance spanning trees of graphs, improved bounds on the cover time of graphs, and a simplified proof that the maximum commute time in any connected graph is at most 4n3/27 + o(n3).



SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

