
Random dopant fluctuation induced variability in undoped channel si gate all around nanowire n-MOSFET


In this brief, the random dopant fluctuation (RDF)-induced threshold voltage (VT) variability, on current (ION) variability, and VT mismatch in undoped channel Si gate-all-around (GAA) n-nanowire MOSFETs (n-NWFETs) are studied using coupled 3-D statistical device simulations considering quantum corrected room temperature drift-diffusion transport. The RDFs are introduced in the Si NWFET tetrahedral device grid by a 3-D atomistic Monte-Carlo technique. The RDF due to discrete random dopants located in the source (S)/drain (D) extension and channel regions of Si GAA n-NWFET are found to impact the device characteristic variability. The numerical VT mismatch analysis and comparison with the Si n-NWFET total AVT measurement data from the literature reveal that RDF still plays a significant source for device random fluctuations in undoped channel Si GAA n-NWFETs. The numerical VT mismatch study indicates the fact that complete suppression of RDF induced device random variability in undoped channel fully depleted MOS devices is still going to be a challenge, as long as doped S/D regions are employed.
