Conference paper

Progressive codesign of an architecture and compiler using a proxy application


The Active Memory Cube (AMC) is a novel near-memory processor that exploits high memory bandwidth and low latency close to DRAM to execute scientific applications in an energy-efficient manner. Its energy efficiency is derived from a combination of its novel scalar-vector data-flow path combined with its simple control-flow path that required the development of a sophisticated compiler, co-designed with the architecture. Such co-design is commonly done using hand-tuned codes for simple kernels that typically do not capture the nuances of real-world applications or reveal the complexities of programming a heterogeneous system. At the same time, an entire application is intractable to an early-stage compiler. In this work we describe a progressive, iterative methodology to the co-design of the compiler and architecture for the AMC using LULESH, a real-world hydrodynamics proxy application. We focus on a procedure that calculates the kinematic variables for domain elements. During the concept phase we looked at simpler kernels directly derived from the procedure, and progressively moved to the entire procedure as the compiler and simulation environment matured. We found this progression from the simpler extracted kernels to the entire procedure useful in gradually exposing new issues in the compiler and architecture. Directly applying optimizations developed for the simpler kernels resulted in poor performance on the proxy application, but after developing new compiler passes, the former optimizations could be applied profitably. Co-design on a proxy application revealed opportunities to refine the micro architecture that were not identified with simple micro benchmarks alone. Development of future accelerators and their programming environments can benefit from a similar iterative co-design through component kernels to entire proxy applications.
