Conference paper

Performance of binary antipodal signaling over the indoor UWB MIMO channel


We generalize a suitable, known indoor UWB SISO channel model to obtain a new discrete-time model for the indoor UWB MIMO radio channel. The properties and potential benefits arising from the channel's specific correlation features are investigated by means of simulations. We show that the indoor UWB channel can offer much lower ISI than would be expected for a given rms delay spread, and confirm that systems operating on this channel require a small-scale fading margin of only a few dB. It is further demonstrated that an uncoded MIMO communication scheme applied to the UWB channel can offer superior SVEP performance compared to its use on the i.i.d. Rayleigh flat fading channel. Moreover, it was found that such an UWB scheme can offer very low SVEP with several transmitting and only a single receiving antenna (MISO), in contrast to a similar narrowband system.
