Conference paper

Parasitics extraction, wideband modeling and sensitivity analysis of through-strata-via (TSV) in 3D integration/packaging


This paper reports on a number of extraction techniques to investigate the TSV parasitics in 3D integration/packaging, including 3D fullwave electromagnetic (EM) simulator, 3D quasi-static EM simulator, static SPICE simulator, and empirical calculations. All the TSV RLGC values extracted from the fullwave simulation are in good agreement among different approaches over the entire frequency range of interest. Empirical calculations indicate close results to fullwave extractions, while the quasi-static simulation underestimates TSV parasitics. A wideband SPICE model is generated from TSV EM solution with good agreement for both magnitudes and phases of return loss and insertion loss. Further sensitivity analysis results indicate the isolation layer thickness weighs most in the signal gain at 20 GHz. This work provides some insight to TSV electrical characteristics and helps TSV physical design to maximize the benefits of 3D systems. © 2011 IEEE.
