Conference paper

On-chip interconnect-aware design and modeling methodology, based on high bandwidth transmission line devices


This paper expands the on-chip interconnect-aware methodology for high-speed analog and mixed signal design, presented in [4], into a wider class of designs, including dense layout CMOS design. The proposed solution employs a set of parameterized on-chip transmission line (T-line) devices for the critical interconnects, which is expanded to include coplanar structures while considering the silicon substrate effect. The generalized methodology contains treatment of the crossing line effects at the various design stages, including two way interaction between the post layout extraction tool and the T-line devices. The T-line device models are passive by construction, easily migratable among design environments, and allow for both time and frequency domain simulations. These models are verified by S-parameter measurements up to 110GHz, as well as by EM solver results. It is experimentally shown that the effect of properly designed discontinuities is negligible in most practical cases. The basic on-chip T-line methodology is being used extensively for numerous high-speed designs.
